Tuesday, July 9, 2019

ROBLOX TWIN TELEPATHY Dance Challenge in Real Life!

The GM squad get a message from the Game Master that they must split up to four locations to intercept a computer device. Matt and Daniel go searching inside a pool and at a Starbucks but don’t find anything. Rebecca returns to the GM safehouse and begins to spy on a quadrant hacker. She hides behind a door and sneaks into their pocket to take the device. The Red Hood appears behind Rebecca but RZ Twin rescues her using her twin telepathy. Is it safe for the GM network or was splitting a trap?

The post ROBLOX TWIN TELEPATHY Dance Challenge in Real Life! appeared first on The Gamemaster Network.

ROBLOX TWIN TELEPATHY Dance Challenge in Real Life! posted first on https://thegamemasternetwork.tumblr.com

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